Make-A-Wish pays $8M for Overtown dev site

Planned building should be completed next year

Make-A-Wish South Florida CEO Norman Wedderburn and 350 Northwest Sixth Street (Getty, Google Maps)
Make-A-Wish South Florida CEO Norman Wedderburn and 350 Northwest Sixth Street (Getty, Google Maps)

The South Florida branch of nonprofit Make-A-Wish paid about $8 million for 1.6 acres of land in Miami’s Overtown neighborhood.

Make-A-Wish bought the land at 350 Northwest Sixth Street, according to a press release. The nonprofit plans to build the 30,000-square-foot Finker-Frenkel House for administrative offices, donor events and volunteer work associated with the sick children the organization serves.

Construction on the building, which will be inside an Opportunity Zone, should be completed by September 2022, according to the release.

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Danielle Gonzalez of Greenberg Traurig led the team of nearly a dozen attorneys who worked on the project. NAI Miami represented the buyer. Miami-based Arquitectonica is the designer. Lawrence Stockton and Jeff Resnick represented the sellers, Yul Laviv and Tom Post.

This will be the first permanent headquarters location for Make-A-Wish Southern Florida, which has rented office space in Hollywood and Davie. The local branch is led by Norman Wedderburn.

Other proposed projects in Overtown include a multifamily or mixed-use development at 690 Northwest 13th Street, and a 578-unit mixed-use project anchored by a Target at 249 Northwest Sixth Street.