Related Urban Development Group and RocaPoint Partners are vying to develop a downtown Pompano Beach master plan for a 75-acre area between I-95 and Dixie Highway.
The Pompano Beach Community Redevelopment Agency announced last week that it narrowed its list of potential master plan developers to Atlanta-based RocaPoint and the Miami-based urban development arm of Related Group.
Their plans include adding apartments, hotels, retail and offices. The CRA and the city had held a public workshop Wednesday to unveil their master plan proposals and to hear comments from city commissioners and the general public.
“The next step is to take all that input and go back to the two respondents and start negotiations. So, we’re in the negotiations phase right now, going back and forth, trying to get them to commit on paper,” Nguyen Tran, director of the Pompano Beach CRA, told The Real Deal. “It could take anywhere between three months and six months, sometimes a year.”
Any negotiated agreement with the selected downtown master planner will need final approval from the Pompano Beach City Commission.
Related and RocaPoint responded to a formal invitation to negotiate a master plan agreement that the CRA and the city of Pompano Beach issued in June of last year. The CRA and the city own about 30 acres of property in the 75-acre master plan area.
Not all municipal land in the master plan area is contiguous, so the master plan developer and the city will need a plan to assemble more land in the area. “We still have a lot more properties to acquire,” Tran said. “But there are enough properties that are contiguous to start some development.”
Related, led by chairman and CEO Jorge Pérez, and RocaPoint, led by principal Phil Mays, each proposed a mixed-use master plan with multifamily and commercial components, but each has a different approach to modernizing Pompano’s city hall.
Related would expand the existing city hall and keep it on a municipal campus at the southeast corner of Atlantic Boulevard and Dixie Highway, next to a building that houses the city library and cultural center.

RocaPoint would move the city hall campus farther west to a new building on the northeast corner of Atlantic Boulevard and I-95.
The city and the CRA own multiple pieces of land in the master plan area, ranging in size to one-fifth of an acre to 8.35 acres, including land assemblages along the 1-95 corridor, according to a June 7, 2022 press release announcing Pompano’s invitation to negotiate a development plan.
RocaPoint proposed a two-phase, mixed-use master plan that would deliver a new 150,000-square-foot municipal building to serve as city hall in Phase 1, along with 80,000 square feet of space for civic use.

Other master plan components in RocaPoint’s initial phase would include a 150-key hotel, 1,500 multifamily units, 165,000 square feet of retail space, and 210,000 square feet of office space. Phase 2 would add 125 hotel rooms, 550 multifamily units, 85,000 square feet of retail, and another 225,000 square feet of office space.
RocaPoint has proposed a construction schedule with a new city hall opening in 2027 and the rest of Phase 1 opening in 2028, then Phase 2 in 2031.
Related Group has proposed a three-phase master plan of development that would start with construction of 1,120 residential units and 65,216 square feet of commercial space along MLK Boulevard between Dixie Highway and I-95.
In Phase 2, Related would build 14,026 square feet of commercial space and expand the existing 61,456-square-foot city hall by 108,395 square feet, while boosting the number of parking spaces on the site from 404 to 705.
Related would build a 152-key hotel in Phase 3, along with 248 residential units, 58,850 square feet of commercial space, and 168,800 square feet of office space.
Related submitted a timeline showing that construction of Phase 1 would continue from July 2025 to May 2027, Phase 2 from February 2027 to December 2028, and Phase 3 from September 2028 to July 2030.