Watch: Three ways resi brokers are using AI

Agents can task tech with listings, contracts and marketing campaigns

The launch of ChatGPT last year set off a wave of predictions, forecasts and wagers on the technology’s perceived promise and possible threat to the world of residential real estate. 

But as the chatbot and other artificial intelligence-powered tools moved from the interesting to the inevitable, conversations around the potential of to transform the real estate industry have turned in the last year from futuristic forecasts to practical strategies. 

For many residential agents, the past few months have meant diving into the world of generative AI, and learning how to use it for the business of selling homes. For many brokers, robots are taking over the mundane tasks of writing listings, drafting and reviewing contracts and generating marketing campaigns. 

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While AI is taking over some responsibilities, negotiating, showing listings, and personal market knowledge are still safely in agents’ domain. But as new iterations of AI tools emerge, so too will their uses for real estate, meaning brokers will be plenty more to learn and hopefully add to their toolkit. 

In this video, The Real Deal’s Kate Hinsche demonstrates these AI use cases for agents. How else are you incorporating AI into your agent work? Let us know in the YouTube comments and follow us on social media for more. 

– Kate Hinsche

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