Landlords’ efforts to evict delinquent tenants in Philadelphia just became a little bit harder.
The city recently expanded its right-to-counsel program to more neighborhoods, Bisnow reported. Administered by ZIP code, the initiative expanded to three areas — parts of North and Northeast Philly — on top of five where the program was already deployed.
Approximately 35 percent of renters in the city who are facing eviction qualify for the right-to-counsel program after its expansion, according to the Department of Planning and Development.
The program entitles renters facing eviction and earning 200 percent or below the federal poverty level to free legal representation. Tenants can access the program if they’re involved in eviction proceedings, administrative hearings that could bring on a lease termination or if the Philadelphia Housing Authority launches a subsidy termination effort.
“We are giving tenants access to free legal assistance, empowering them to stand up for themselves in court and preventing wrongful evictions that could lead to homelessness,” said Council Member Anthony Phillips, who acknowledged that there are “many good and responsible landlords who work to provide safe and affordable housing for their tenants.”
The City Council adopted the right-to-counsel program in 2019, though it didn’t go into effect until 2022.
Philadelphia’s efforts to protect tenants are widespread. In 2020, the city started piloting a program featuring landlord-tenant mediation out of court. The eviction diversion program also provided short-term rental assistance. The program was permanently enshrined last year.
At the state level, Pennsylvania also earmarked $2.5 million for an eviction diversion program for tenants earning up to 125 percent of the federal poverty level.
For the 12 months ending in June, the rate of court filings for eviction in the city was down 41 percent from the annual average rates between 2016 and 2019, according to Princeton University’s Eviction Lab.
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