Rents in Soho and Tribeca were the highest on average in January, with rents in the neighboring West Village not too far behind. The average rent in Tribeca and Soho for all types of apartments in January was $3,410, according to a report from brokerage Citi Habitats. Two-bedrooms in the tony neighborhoods were renting for an average of $5,845 and studios for nearly $1,600. In the West Village, the average rent in January for all apartments was $3,301, with two-bedrooms renting at an average of $4,013, Citi Habitats reported. Midtown East and Chelsea had the third- and fourth-highest rents in January, respectively, with overall rent for both neighborhoods topping $3,000 and two-bedrooms in each renting for more than $4,300. more By Tom Acitelli
Report: Soho, Tribeca have priciest rents
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