
BRT system could fuel development

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From the March issue: Developers looking to the future may have a new slogan: Buses are the new subway. A new bus rapid transit (BRT) system headed for citywide testing within the next year could eventually spur more projects in underdeveloped areas, such as a stretch of Merrick Boulevard in southern Queens. BRT usually involves giving buses their own lane, separated right-of-way, or even tunnels to keep them free from traffic. Jeffrey Zupan, senior fellow for transportation at Regional Plan Association, recommends that development and real estate professionals keep a close eye on the city’s transportation plans. “They can sniff out the really big opportunities of the next couple of decades by watching where investments are being made,” says Zupan. “In this city, we’re not building new highways. If you want new opportunities, you have to look at transit.” more By Adam Meagher

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