
The commercial crunch … and more

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  1. 1. The credit crunch has disrupted major commercial projects
    around the country [CNN]
  2. 2. Records Revisited might no longer be open at 34 West 33rd Street,
    but its massive collection of 78s will be preserved at Syracuse University [NYT]
  3. 3. A look at the mythical $100 million listings at 15 Central Park West [NYO]
  4. 4. Manhattan
    rents remain stubbornly high [NYO]
  5. 5. The Hotel Pennsylvania has managed to avoid demolition for
    now [NYO]
  6. 6. A former Carter adviser is developing a hotel near Bryant
    Park [NYO]
  7. 7. Colleges are loosening their grip on student housing and are
    turning to developers for help [WSJ]
  8. 8. Former city buildings inspector gets prison sentence for
    bribery scheme [Sun]
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