
Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks dominate NYC’s retail

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If it seems like there’s a Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts on every block in New York City, that’s because there almost is. There are 186 Starbucks stores in Manhattan, making it the borough’s biggest chain, according to The Center for an Urban Future, which released a study called “Attack of the chains” that tallies all chains other than banks in the five boroughs. Although Starbucks rules over Manhattan, Dunkin’ Donuts has the most stores city-wide with 341 locations. Subway shops came in second place with 335 locations, followed by McDonalds at 248, Starbucks at 235 (including 21 in Queens) and Duane Reade with 216 stores. In this week’s Webcast, The Real Deal looks at the impact of Starbucks’ decision to close 11 city locations. TRD

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