After sensitive Acorn documents revealing a possible name change, along with other information, were found in the dumpster behind a California office, Fox News anchor Glenn Beck cited a possible relationship between Atlantic Yards developer Forest City Ratner and Acorn, which he said may explain Acorn’s support of the pricey Atlantic Yards project. Although Acorn originally supported the Atlantic Yards project because of its promises of affordable housing development, the non-profit organization still supports the project today although there are still no definite plans for affordable housing, according to the group Develop Don’t Destroy Brooklyn. After Acorn came out of an alleged embezzlement scandal last year, Atlantic Yards developer Bruce Ratner complied with the organization’s pleas for $1.5 million in grants and loans, Beck said. “It’s a good thing that the guy who wants to build an arena today was there for Acorn last year to give them money,” he said. “Normally, Acorn would have never let this project go through.”
Acorn support of AY due to relations with Ratner, Beck says
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