
New York loses out on $700M school funding, Geithner raises commercial real estate concerns … and more

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1. New York loses out on $700 million federal school funding grant [NYT]
2. Hotelier Andre Balazs allegedly dating Courtney Love, giving her free board in hotels [Hotel Chatter]
3. Real estate developer Robert Brot accused of allegedly leading woman into prostitution [Post]
4. Architecture firm honored with preservation award for work in Brooklyn Heights [Brooklyn Heights Blog]
5. Meet the so-called “maitre d’ of retail” real estate [NYO]
6. Doorman of nearly 50 years reveals secrets of the trade [NYT]
7. Finding Manhattan’s highest natural point [Emphemeral New York]
8. Norah Jones window installation controversy rages on [Post]
9. Geithner says there’s reason to be concerned over commercial real estate loans [AP via Newsday]
10. Are accountants flourishing in the recession? Some say yes. [NYO]

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