
LPC to consider Morningside Heights

Morningside Heights

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The Landmarks Preservation Commission will meet Monday to provide information to homeowners about the proposed Morningside Heights Historic District, Harlem + Bespoke reported. The meeting is one of several initial steps in possibly getting the district set up, based on community feedback. The meeting will also determine the size of the district, which, at its widest point, runs along Riverside Drive between 106th and 119th streets, according to the current proposal. But those boundaries could be extended if there is enough interest. The request for the designation of Morningside Heights as a historic district started in 1996, but it seems like these plans might finally be progressing, since the LPC has been making their rounds this year, recently extending historic neighborhoods in Brooklyn, the West Village and the Upper West Side. [Harlem + Bespoke]

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