A new roommate matching service is taking a speed-dating approach to the often-discouraging online process of finding a person to split the rent in New York. On Craigslist and similar sites, separating the trustworthy from the scammer can be difficult, risky and time-consuming. Enter Roommates Wanted NYC, which is now hosting two-hour meet-ups on the third Sunday of each month at bars in the East Village, Astoria, Williamsburg and Prospect Heights. The suggested donation is $5, and most participants are in their 20s and 30s. “We represent a backlash against the Web,” said co-founder Dene Farell, 27, who said the start-up is focusing on New York City first before exploring an expansion to other cities. “We’re trying to shift the momentum from the chaos and anonymity of Craiglist to looking someone in the face and getting a feel for the relationship right away.” [NYT]
New roommate-finder a Craigslist alternative
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