Carlos Slim’s bulging portfolio

Billionaire Slim’s New York real estate buys are no secret, but what about the rest of the holdings of the world’s richest man?

Carlos Slim

From the October issue: New Yorkers know him as the New York Times’ white knight, and the man who just dropped $44 million on the Duke Semans Mansion on the Upper East Side, but Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim has plenty of other real estate holdings outside of New York.

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While Slim has beefed up his New York real estate portfolio lately, he’s also made moves like gaining control of a prime half-billion-dollar property in Beverly Hills. And his companies are investing $1.4 billion in a huge Mexico City complex and plan to construct two new shopping centers in other Mexican cities — one in San Luis Potosí, the other in Villahermosa — in 2011.

With a bank account estimated at $56 billion, Slim is the richest man in the world. But while he built his fortune as the telecom giant of Latin America, he’s also long dabbled in Mexican real estate, and controls a vast empire of shopping malls, office buildings, and now universities — which only seems poised to grow in the near future. [more]

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