
North Face hunts for Fifth Avenue retail

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The North Face is shifting its gears towards a Fifth Avenue retail hunt, according to the Observer. Until now, the outdoor apparel retailer, which currently has Manhattan locations on the Upper West Side, in Soho and on Madison Avenue, had purposely shied away from the glitz of Fifth Avenue to maintain its “rugged image,” a source told the paper. But the company is finally giving in, in an attempt to attract European tourists who prefer to stay within the confines of the luxe strip. The stretch of Fifth Avenue between 42nd and 49th streets is particularly attractive to the brand because of several recent store openings there, like Canadian clothing line Joe Fresh, that are more trendy than traditional. Rents on Fifth Avenue average around $1,400 per square foot, and a source said North Face isn’t as concerned with the size of the space as it is with the image it projects. [NYO]

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