Original Hamptons home of the Artists and Writers Softball Game hits the market

The Hamptons home on Fireplace Road and the celebrities who first played there. Clockwise from left: Joan Mitchell, Philip Pavia and Jackson Pollack

An East Hampton home on Fireplace Road famous as the first location of the Artists and Writers Softball Game, frequented by Philip Pavia, Jackson Pollack and Joan Mitchell, has just hit the market for $4.99 million. The game was played on the 10 acres of lawns at the home, formerly owned by Wilfrid Zogbaum, which now features a barn and waterside pool.

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The five-bedroom, four-bathroom 3,500-square foot home was built in 1835. Its sellers are relocating to Amagansett.

In the late 1960s and 1970s, writers joined in the annual softball game and then politicians, actors, musicians, publishers, editors and television personalities followed. The event is now held in Herrick Park, in East Hampton and attended by celebrities such as Matthew Broderick, Chevy Chase, Bill Clinton, Rudy Giuliani and Roy Scheider.

Judi Desiderio, an agent at Town & Country Real Estate, is marketing the property. She wouldn’t disclose the identity of the seller or the exact address. — Katherine Clarke

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