Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Executive Director Chris Ward offered somewhat of a strange proposal for the Brooklyn waterfront and Governor’s Island yesterday during a visit to the Time Warner Center at Lincoln Square, the New York Observer reported, calling for the relocation of the Red Hook Container Terminal, currently located at 70 Hamilton Avenue in Red Hook, to Sunset Park.
To fix Governor’s Island, you must first fix Red Hook, he suggested. “Red Hook is in the wrong location if Governor’s Island is to succeed,” he said.
In Sunset Park, the shipping capacity would be insulated by Industry City, Ward said, and there it could connect with a trans-harbor freight rail tunnel.
“People think the Port loves trucks, because it brings us revenue,” Ward said. “Believe me, we have enough revenue, and the non-stop delivery trucks are killing our city… We must get beyond our nostalgia for the Brooklyn waterfront for the future of this city.” [NYO]