
Rudin’s St. Vincent’s plans get rejected by community board

Bill Rudin and a rendering of the St. Vincent’s development

Community Board 2 in Greenwich Village last night voted against a
proposal to turn the former site of St. Vincent’s hospital into an
emergency medical facility, luxury homes and retail, DNAinfo reported.

The board voted to urge the city to deny a bid to rezone the
site in Greenwich Village unless the developers, Rudin Management, meet
a number of requirements.

Among the board’s concerns are a possible jump in neighborhood density
as a result of the proposed 450 residential units, as well as
increased traffic that could result from the parking garage proposed
for West 12th Street. The resolution states that there are already
three garages in the immediate area and that an additional garage
would raise environmental concerns and noise problems. In addition,
there are concerns about the proposed “90 feet of retail windows” that
residents say Rudin plans to put on 11th and 12th streets and Seventh
Avenue. “These are residential streets and indeed 12th Street has
never had any form of retail space,” the resolution says.

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In a statement, Rudin Management said: “We appreciate Manhattan
Community Board 2’s efforts in dealing with a very important [land
use] … application. The Rudin family is proud that during 60 public
hearings and meetings, we have consistently worked with Community
Board 2, its elected officials and other community stakeholders…”

While some other residents were also concerned that the new emergency
facility could not replace the lost hospital, others spoke out in
favor of the proposal saying it would create jobs.

The board also voted to support another proposal to turn the St.
Vincent’s Triangle
, into green space including an AIDS memorial park,
as long as it was not a “solemn, meditative park environment that
[would] discourage any other park use.”

In the next phase of the Department of City Planning’s land use review
procedure, Rudin Management’s proposal will be subject to an advisory
vote by Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer.

The City Planning Commission and City Council will then vote on the
plans, following additional public hearings. [DNAinfo]

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