
Forest City lobbyist pleads guilty, Trump wants a restaurant … and more

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1. Former Forest City Ratner lobbyist pleads guilty in bribery case  [Crain’s]
2. Trump to open Trump Street Bar & Grill in space where Milk Street Cafe, restaurant OWS destroyed, once stood  [Tribeca Trib]
3. “We don’t need to live on NYU’s campus” Greenwich Village opponents to the University’s expansion tell community board [DNAinfo]
4. Local arts group raises money on to beautify East Village  [DNAinfo]
5. Homeless make treehouses in Prospect Park  [Brooklyn Paper]
6. Asking rent for full floor at Superior Ink could break records for downtown [Curbed]
7. Five challenges for the housing market in 2012  [WSJ]
8. Dunkin’ Donuts wants to double U.S. presence in the next 20 years [Gothamist]

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