
Damn! “Rent” party’s McMillan sues election board

With the city’s mayoral race still nearly two years off, you probably thought you wouldn’t be hearing too much from the “Rent Is 2 Damn High” impresario Jimmy McMillan. Alas, just as national politics took the spotlight, the New York Observer reported McMillan filed suit against the New York State Board of Elections and accused its officials of being biased against his party by repeatedly trying to keep the word “damn” off the ballot.

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McMillan wants to guarantee that the party’s complete name, including, most importantly, the word “damn,” appears on election ballots through 2015. McMillan also seeks a permanent injunction against the elections board unless it recounts and reexamines all ballots, including those of the absentee variety, from the 2010 governors election.

 “We are more than confident we received more than the 41,000 votes reported,” he wrote in the filing. McMillan previously said he plans on running in the 2012 presidential election.

No one from the Board of Elections was immediately available for comment. [NYO]

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