Celebs get star treatment on new Manhattan home locator map

New apartment search site Rentenna.com, which launched in September, has unveiled a New York City star map to rival the ones available on Hollywood Boulevard. The map gives the position on the block, but not the address, for where stars from Jennifer Aniston, to Christopher Walken, to Bill Murray live on the island of Manhattan, EV Grieve reported.

According to Rentenna, Aniston lives in the West Village, Walken on the Upper East Side, and Murray looks to be located at 96th Street on the Upper East Side.

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The outer boroughs don’t get the full map treatment, but the site gives Brooklyn celebs, such as Anne Hathway and Steve Buscemi, who are both located in Park Slope according to Rentenna, a shout-out of sorts.

As blog EV Grieve noted, David Schwimmer’s demolition site, even makes the list. [Rentenna]

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