15 CPW penthouse is no dorm room, billionaire’s wife alleges

Russian billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev did not have his daughter in mind when he purchased Sandy Weill’s $88 million condominium unit at 15 Central Park West, according to a lawsuit filed by his wife, which said their daughter doesn’t even attend school in New York.

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The New York Post cited court papers filed by Elena Rybolovleva that allege the record-setting apartment purchase was made, through layers of LLCs, in an effort to hide assets from his estranged wife.

It’s not the first time he’s tried to pull the trick since Elena filed for divorce in 2008, the Post noted. He also bought Donald Trump’s $95 million home in Palm Beach, which led his wife to obtain a Swiss court order freezing his assets in Geneva. Court documents allege Rybolovlev has been on a spending spree of late and also bought an interest in a Monaco soccer club. The papers allege it was all done in an effort to hide assets from divorce attorneys. [Post]