Rental website seeking “hottest doorman” in the city, a website for locating New York City rental apartments, is sponsoring an unconventional beauty contest, the Wall Street Journal reported — for New York City’s doormen. The start-up began accepting nominations for the city’s most attractive doormen last week, the Journal said, and more than three dozen have been put forward by their tenants so far.

Lue Ann Eldar, a resident at An Unnamed Fifth Avenue building, nominated her doorman, Antonio Pena, for his “demeanor and dashing good looks,” the Journal said.

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“He is young and fabulous and just a really nice guy,” Eldar said. “If I were somewhat younger, I would think he was somewhat of a hottie.” is accepting votes online for the hottest doorman, and will pick up an evening’s bar tab for the winner and the tenants who nominated him. [WSJ]

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