
Surf Lodge close to settlement with East Hampton

The end seems near for the ongoing saga at Montauk hotspot the Surf Lodge, the East Hampton Daily Star reported. On Monday, an attorney for the ownership group Edgemere Montauk LLC made a motion to dismiss the charges, which the Daily Star lists as now totaling 687. Robert Connelly, representing the city of East Hampton “conceded that a partial dismissal could facilitate a settlement,” the Star said.

The hamlet of Montauk is within the legal jurisdiction of East Hampton.

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Horn also indicated that the $100,000 fine proposed by the city last October was still under consideration.

In the motion, Horn outlines how the number of violations at the hotel and restaurant is blown out of proportion, explaining that some of them spring from multiple inspections in the same week, which inflated the number of citations. “There are only 12 to 16 violations that have repeated, based on the number of visits,” Horn said. [East Hampton Star]


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