LES Jesuit middle school up for sale

The Archdiocese of New York is selling a Lower East Side Jesuit middle school for boys and the building will most likely be converted to a mixed-use building, the Wall Street Journal reported. The mostly tuition-free school for disadvantaged youth, located at the Nativity Mission Center at 204 Forsyth Street between East Houston and Stanton streets, will relocate outside of Manhattan, potentially to Queens or the South Bronx. Last month, the center sold its 2,500-square-foot recreation space to an investor named 206 Forsyth Street LLC for $1.7 million, the Journal said.

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That investor is also interested in purchasing the five-story school, the Journal said, and could turn it into a residential and retail project. Halstead Property has the listing, which has an asking price of $4.7 million, up from the original price of $3.5 million. [WSJ, 3rd item]

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