A group of Bay Ridge residents have grown so tired of the Prince Hotel at 315 93rd Street that they’ve called on the city to shut it down, the Brooklyn Paper reported. They don’t have your typical noise complaints — these residents say they see discarded hypodermic needles and crack pipes littered outside of the building each weekend, as well as young women who residents identify as prostitutes coming in and out of the building at all times. Even local police confirmed the hotel gets frequent dispatches. The owner of the hotel is the controversial 83-year-old Moses Fried, who says nothing illegal is going on at the property. Fried’s company, called the Prince Hotel Group, owns three other hotel properties in Brooklyn. “I’m 83 years old,” he told the Brooklyn Paper, “I want to run a nice building, not one with prostitution.”
However, the city has already shut down Fried’s Princess Hotel in Downtown Brooklyn and the Prince Lefferts Hotel in Clinton Hill for building code violations and allegations of prostitution, the Brooklyn Paper said. There are currently violations against the Bay Ridge hotel for fire safety hazards and for work performed on the building without a permit. The city will hold a hearing on the property next month. [Brooklyn Paper]