
Could College Point, Queens get a new condominium project?

109-09 15th Avenue (credit: PropertyShark) and BSA Chair Meenakshi Srinivasan
109-09 15th Avenue (credit: PropertyShark) and BSA Chair Meenakshi Srinivasan

A new condominium development cold be coming to the suburban-style enclave of College Point, Queens. The Times Ledger reported that plans to turn the old Chilton Paint factory at 109-09 15th Avenue into residences have resurfaced, following a request to extend a city variance for the construction of housing in a manufacturing area.

The article did not mention the name of the developer, but said that the firm, an LLC listed as Vista Point in city records, had received the permit for construction in 2005 but that expired in 2009. The developer had not begun construction on the site, due to a change in property ownership and the recession. Another extension was granted in 2009, “on condition that substantial construction shall be completed by July 19, 2012,” according to the city’s Board of Standards and Appeals. Still, no work has been done.

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New details for the development were not available, but old plans for the property show a six-story, 134-unit development at the 48,529-square-foot site. That building was slated to include 139 parking spaces 14 three-bedroom units, 68 two-bedroom apartments and 52 one-bedrooms homes.

If it comes to fruition, the development would be the latest in a slew of projects over the years, which have collectively caused severe traffic problems in the neighborhood. [Times Ledger]

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