1. New York media, real estate and political power player, Jerry Finkelstein dies at 96 [NYT]
2. Hawaii becomes most expensive U.S. state, according to Coldwell Banker [NBC News]
3. London home of literary icon Oscar Wilde hits U.K. market for $1.8 million [Forbes]
4. Real estate ideas for the record-breaking $550 million lottery jackpot winner [WSJ]
5. Broomrape Lane: America’s top ten most embarrassing street names [Curbed]
6. Designer Vince Camuto to open 1,700-square-foot store at 667 Madison Avenue, across from Barneys [NYP]
7. Brooklyn parking becomes bargaining chip for City Council [Streets Blog]
8. Unique rotating desert home asks $279,000 in California [Daily Mail]
9. Thinking green Raleigh, N.C., family trades 3,200-square-foot home for a 1,200-square-foot ranch house [NYT]
10.Wharton’s Undergraduate Real Estate Club bests Cornell team in real estate competition [Daily Pennsylvanian]
11. A look high-tech multi-millionaire John McAfee’s real estate losses [SF Gate]
Power broker Jerry Finkelstein dies at 96, how to spend a $550M jackpot on real estate … and more

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