
Pier 17 construction slated to start July 1

From left: Howard Hughes CEO David Weinreb and a rendering of Pier 17
From left: Howard Hughes CEO David Weinreb and a rendering of Pier 17

The Dallas-based Howard Hughes Corporation is forging ahead with its plans to redevelop Pier 17 in Lower Manhattan. Following an engineering inspection of the site’s stability following Hurricane Sandy, which deemed the site to be sound, David Wenreb, Howard Hughes’ CEO, told the New York Times that it will begin construction by July 1.

The plan is still undergoing the city’s land use process and the July 1 construction deadline comes as part of an agreement between the developer and the city’s Economic Development Corporation.

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The new pier building will have two levels of retail space, each of which with some 60,000 square feet.

“I think Lower Manhattan will only benefit from a density of retail experiences,” Elizabeth Berger, president of the Alliance for Downtown New York, told the Times.

However, as previously reported, the site could be closed for two years when construction starts. [NYT]Zachary Kussin

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