
Out of the pool! Chelsea co-op owners battle with renters

London Terrace, the swimming pool and Tim Gunn(inset)
London Terrace, the swimming pool and Tim Gunn(inset)

Owners at Chelsea’s London Terrace are demanding that renters pony up $750,000 a year if they want to take a dip in the tony co-op’s Olympic-sized swimming pool. And the renters are telling the owners that they’re the ones who are all wet. The pool fight is crystal clear: The owners in four co-op buildings known as the Towers – including Chelsea Clinton, designer Isaac Mizrahi and “Project Runway” co-host Tim Gunn – think their renter neighbors should pay to play; the renters point to their $4,000-to-$18,000 monthly rates and argue they’re already being soaked.

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The pool fun has been free since 1930, although the two sides have had a water water before – in 1992. Two years later, after a rent strike and a lawsuit, the factions finally reached a 20-year agreement. The deal expires next year.

London Terrace’s management company offered $500,000 for pool admission – double the fee being paid currently – but the owners turned down the deal. [NYP] — Hiten Samtani

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