Brooklynites decry planned Gowanus nightclub

From left: Rendering of day and night uses at the Rock and Roll Playhouse
From left: Rendering of day and night uses at the Rock and Roll Playhouse

The Board of Standards and Appeals will hear Tuesday from a group of Gowanus residents concerned that a children’s music school coming to the neighborhood will transform into a rowdy nightclub scene after hours.

The establishment, dubbed the Rock and Roll Playhouse, is being developed by Peter Shapiro, the proprietor of Brooklyn Bowl and developer of the $2 million revamp of Capitol Theater in Westchester County. Shapiro is renovating the warehouse at 280 Bond Street, between Degraw and Sackett streets, into a music school by day and a venue for adults by night, according to DNAinfo.

A group called We Are Gowanus, is worried the Playhouse will keep residents in adjoining units up at night, serving drinks and hosting live music.

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Last year, We Are Gowanus sued the Department of Buildings, saying the city agency failed to investigate the venue before granting it a building permit. The group claims the project was always just a nightclub masquerading as a “playhouse.”

Residents are adamant the planned playhouse have its zoning variance, which allows “non-conforming use,” revoked.

“This is the wrong use for the wrong location,” Katya Jestin, a Gowanus resident, told DNAinfo. [DNAinfo] — Angela Hunt