De Blasio, Schumer to attend tomorrow’s REBNY banquet

The 2013 Real Estate Board of New York banquet at the New York Hilton Hotel (Inset: Mayor Bill de Blasio)
The 2013 Real Estate Board of New York banquet at the New York Hilton Hotel (Inset: Mayor Bill de Blasio)

Like his predecessor, Mayor Bill de Blasio will attend the Real Estate Board of New York’s annual banquet tomorrow night, despite the seemingly rocky relationship between hizzoner and the industry.

De Blasio is expected to join the city’s most prominent developers, landlords and other real estate pros at the 118th gala, to be held at the New York Hilton Hotel at 1135 Sixth Avenue in Midtown. Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg attended nearly all of the REBNY banquets, in the 12 years he was in office.

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Other guests from the government side include Kyle Kimball, president of the Economic Development Corporation; Police Commissioner William Bratton; Tony Shorris, de Blasio’s first deputy mayor; and U.S. Senator Charles Schumer. Council member Dan Garodnick has said he is coming, while newly elected Council speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito has not RSVPed.

The Bernard H. Mendik Lifetime Leadership in Real Estate award will be presented to Stephen Green of SL Green Realty. [Crain’s]Mark Maurer

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