
Bowlmor no more? Macklowe to turn lanes into condos: report

110 University Place (Inset: Billy Macklowe)
110 University Place (Inset: Billy Macklowe)

William Macklowe Company plans to clear out the site of Bowlmor Lanes in the East Village to begin a condominium conversion by the spring, the blog EV Grieve reported, citing an unnamed source.

The four-story, 75,000-square-foot building at 110 University Place, between East 12th and East 13th streets, holds a parking garage in addition to the bowling alley.

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In 2012, Billy Macklowe purchased a long-term controlling position in the building from a partnership group. The lease deal effectively made Macklowe the landlord of the building for the next 72 years, as previously reported.

Bowlmor, which has occupied the space since 1938, also has a site at 222 West 44th Street in Times Square. [EVGrieve]Mark Maurer

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