What you need to earn to buy a home in 25 big U.S. cities

Buyers must pull down at least $66,167 a year to purchase a home in New York City

NYC is among the priciest places to live in the U.S.
NYC is among the priciest places to live in the U.S.

The cost of living in America varies wildly.

In Cleveland, people need a base salary of at least $19,435 a year to afford the average home, while San Franciscans must make upward of $115,000 annually. HSH.com, an online mortgage and consumer loan information website, figured out how much a person would have to earn to afford a home in 25 of the country’s largest metropolitan areas.

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To do so, HSH looked at the National Association of Realtors’ fourth-quarter data for median home prices and HSH.com’s fourth-quarter average interest rate for 30-year, fixed-rate mortgages to determine how much money homebuyers would need to earn in order to afford only the principal and interest payment on a median-priced home in their market. (They did not account for property taxes, insurance, and other expenses — read their methodology here.)

Click here for the city-by-city breakdown.

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