Catsimatidis reveals rendering of Brooklyn rental complex

Former mayoral candidate's property at 180 Myrtle Avenue gets partial approvals from the city

John Catsimatidis and 180 Myrtle Avenue
John Catsimatidis and 180 Myrtle Avenue

John Catsimatidis’ Red Apple Group received partial approval from the city last week for a 170,312-square-foot rental complex at 180 Myrtle Avenue in Downtown Brooklyn.

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The 191-unit property will feature a 500-square-foot community space and roughly 10,500 square feet of ground-floor commercial space. Twenty percent of the residential component will be affordable housing.

Dattner Architects has been tapped to design the building, as previously reported. Catsimatidis, a former Republican mayoral candidate, announced plans in November for the 15-story project, which would also have a 129-spot parking area, Gym And Roof Terrace. Construction is expected to begin soon, in time for a 2015 opening. [NY Yimby]Mark Maurer