
Area Property Partners’ second go at Apthorp addition falls flat

Landmarks panel says revised penthouse proposal an improvement, but still gives thumbs down

Model of the Apthrop's revised penthouse addition (Credit: Evan Bindelglass via Curbed)
Model of the Apthrop's revised penthouse addition (Credit: Evan Bindelglass via Curbed)

Area Property Partners, which tried unsuccessfully to get plans for a penthouse addition to the tony Apthorp building approved by the Landmarks Preservation Commission in November, fell flat again with revised plans yesterday.

Area presented the rejiggered proposal for a one-story 390 West End Avenue topper, down from two stories as previously proposed. The revamped designs called for one-story corner pavilion leading to a two-story center section, all with height reductions and increases to the setbacks by as much as seven feet. The proposal also called for Indiana limestone, a copper cornice and bronze windows, Curbed reported.

Bill Higgins of preservation firm Higgins Quasebarth & Partners presented the plan, calling the new design “respectful.”

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Landmarks commissioner Frederick Bland, however, cited concerns about the addition’s Visibility From The Street, while his colleague Michael Goldblum said the Apthorp is a very hard building to add on to because the original structure is “perfectly balanced, inside and out.”

Several members of the panel did note that the revised plan was an improvement over the initial version. For Area, who has been trying to get the proposed penthouses off the ground since last July, the third time may yet prove to be the charm. [Curbed]Julie Strickland

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