Spinola to argue for 7-line extension to New Jersey

City anticipates 38 percent growth in demand for transit between New York, New Jersey by 2030

From left: Steven Spinola and the no. 7 subway line
From left: Steven Spinola and the no. 7 subway line

The Real Estate Board of New York is looking to push the extension of the No. 7 subway line into New Jersey. On Thursday, REBNY President Steven Spinola was expected to testify before the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s reinvention commission to make his case.

The city anticipates a 38 percent growth in demand for transit between New York and New Jersey by 2030.

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New Jersey Governor Chris Christie killed the Access to the Region’s Core — or ARC — tunnel in 2010, the MTA began investigating the option of extending the no. 7 train to from 11th Avenue to Secaucus.

In 2013, the city released a study that the extension was “physically and operationally feasible.” [Capital NY]

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