Developers making moves around Kingsbridge Road Armory

Hotels among real estate players dipping their toes into the neighborhood

A rendering of the Kingsbridge Armory ice center
A rendering of the Kingsbridge Armory ice center

Developers are paving the way for change along Kingsbridge Road ahead of a $320 million project to transform the street’s armory into an ice skating complex.

After merchants at a nearby shopping center saw their rents double, the Norwood News reported that that building’s property manager is not the only actor making moves.

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“Because of the renewed interest in the Kingsbridge Armory, there has been ancillary [developers] like hotels coming and snooping around the area trying to develop a hotel concept in the area to support the Armory and tourist attraction interest,” Steven Lorenzo, a realtor with NAI Friedland, told the paper. “We’re gonna start seeing those areas along Jerome Avenue and Kingsbridge being utilized for new retail and housing opportunities, creating a different community.”

The shopping center’s property manager, Levites Realty Management, has extended its lease on the building and is advertising rents of $100 per square foot for merchants that sign a one-year lease, according to the paper. One current tenant, New Capital Restaurant, said its rent jumped from $7,500 to $14,000 per month under the terms of a new lease. [Norwood News] — Tom DiChristopher

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