
Residents to vote on HAP’s East Harlem building colors

Decision follows community opposition to the building's turquoise and pink balconies

Rendering for 329 Pleasant Avenue
Rendering for 329 Pleasant Avenue

East Harlem residents can now paint the town red. Or they can go with purple, or turquoise.

The colors on HAP Investments LLC’s residential development at 329 Pleasant Avenue will be decided by popular vote. The developer is giving residents of the area the chance to chime in about what color the balconies should be on the narrow concrete-and-glass building. Karim Rashid, an Egyptian-born designer known for his use of bright colors, designed the building.

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The voting is a result of communal opposition to the building, which original plans included turquoise and pink balconies.

But, even now that the colors will be chosen democratically, locals are still unhappy with the addition of the building, claiming that the design of the market-rate rental building doesn’t fit in with the rest of the block, the Wall Street Journal reported. [WSJ] — Claire Moses

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