
Domino Sugar Factory demolition underway

Construction commences, will continue for next decade

Demolition of the Domino Sugar Factory (credit: Max Touhey)
Demolition of the Domino Sugar Factory (credit: Max Touhey)

The original Domino Sugar Factory is officially making way for Two Trees’ Domino megaproject.

Construction is scheduled to continue for the coming decade as the massive $2 billion plan for the site gets built. The development includes 2,200 residential units — including 600 below market rate — on the Williamsburg waterfront.

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The photos — more of which can be found on Curbed — show the demolition of the Syrup Shed, where Kara Walker’s art installation stood. Bin Structure, the Boiler House and some other structures — the Wash House, Turbine Room, Power House and Pump House — are also being taken down. Two Trees received some key approvals to demolish the buildings at the site in 2013.

Two Trees bought the Domino Sugar site from CPC Resources for $185 million in 2012.  [Curbed] — Claire Moses

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