Amid tighter security, Silverstein’s 4 WTC opens

ID now required to gain access to Liberty Street

4 World Trade Center
4 World Trade Center

Larry Silverstein’s Four World Trade Center is officially open for business. But, as Port Authority employees returned to work at 4 WTC today, some changes were made to the surrounding streetscape.

The 72-story, 978-foot tower — the fourth tallest in the World Trade Center complex — offers 2.3 million square feet of office space. 

Condé Nast will start moving its employees into 1 WTC on November 3.

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Due to tighter security, Liberty Street will no longer be open to all vehicles. The Campus Security Plan was discussed by Port Authority officials and local community leaders last week.

“This is another milestone in transition from construction to occupancy at the site,” a spokesperson for the Port Authority told Downtown Express.

Residents of the area will have to show identification to police before they can proceed on the streetAnd Parking Will Not Be Allowed On The Street. [Downtown Express] — Claire Moses