
Corcoran vs. Corcoran Sunshine

The firm’s new development success has alienated some top-producing resale agents, but changes are afoot

Pam Liebman (Credit: Max Dworkin)
Pam Liebman (Credit: Max Dworkin)

From the April issue: In a business where information is currency, Corcoran Group’s Pam Liebman is one of the richest around. So when she heard that her former sales director, Bill Cunningham, wasn’t happy in his new job as president of Trump International Realty, she picked up the phone.

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“Are you ready to come back?” the company CEO asked. The two met for drinks at the Regency that late December evening, and on Jan. 6, Cunningham returned to Corcoran’s flagship office at 660 Madison Avenue as the brokerage’s general sales manager. “He belongs here,” Liebman said during a recent interview in her office, where she called Cunningham’s return a “coup.” [more]

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