
Council speaker to oversee East Harlem rezoning

Committee to also include Manhattan beep, council member and community activists

From left: Proposed rezoning in East Harlem and Melissa Mark-Viverito
From left: Proposed rezoning in East Harlem and Melissa Mark-Viverito

City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito has formed a committee that aims to oversee the proposed rezoning of East Harlem.

The rezoning — which impacts roughly 60 blocks and would allow for taller buildings in the neighborhood as well as create a commercial corridor on Park Avenue — is part of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s efforts to create and preserve more affordable housing in the city. The committee will include 18 members, as well as the Council speaker, according to Capital New York.

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Community Board 11 already approved the plan, which will include the area from East 115th to East 132nd streets along Madison, Park and Lexington avenues.

Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer and local Council member Inez Dickens are also among the members, according to the website, as well as members from Community Board 11 and local community organizations.

The committee will “engage community stakeholders and local residents in a robust conversation about the future of our community,” Mark-Viverito told the website. [Capital NY] — Claire Moses

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