Ashley Kozel, frustrated by her ex-husband’s success in avoiding any payments in their divorce settlement, is going after an asset that’s harder to hide.
Kozel is suing Todd Kozel, the former CEO of Gulf Keystone Petroleum, in hopes of taking possession of their $12.7 million pied-a-terra at JDS Development Group’s Walker Tower in Chelsea.
Ms. Kozel’s suit calls for a lien to be placed on the on the 14th-floor 3,800-square-foot unit at 212 West 18th Street, which is owned by an LLC controlled by Mr. Kozel.
It also demands that he not remove furniture from the pad.
In a previous injunction against the ex-CEO, a Florida court said he’d “attempted to make transfers of well in excess of $100 million in marital assets to undermine the judgment and authority of the Florida Court,” the New York Post reported. [NYP] – Ariel Stulberg