Steve Madden’s Trump Palace pad goes to ex after divorce

The former couple paid $15M for the pad in 2013

Steve and Wendy Madden and a Trump Palace apartment
Steve and Wendy Madden and a Trump Palace apartment

More drama in the lives of the well-heeled.

Shoe mogul Steve Madden’s ex-wife Wendy has forked over $9.5 million for her ex’s share of their Trump Palace pad following their recent split.

That’s a fair shake for the footwear guru, considering the former couple paid $15 million for the 4,000-square-foot, three-bedroom pad, in 2013.

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The property at 200 East 69th Street, once owned by real estate entrepreneur Richard Hadar, was gut renovated by architect Russell Piccione and came with a unique 19th century marble fireplace Piccione imported from Italy.

After a decade of marriage, the Maddens split in the spring. Wendy was one of Steve’s first hires when he opened his eponymous chain of shoe stores two decades ago. She stuck by him when he went to prison for stock manipulation and securities fraud.

His debacle was dramatized in the Martin Scorcese film “Wolf of Wall Street.”

When the rich split up, their lavish properties often become part of the mess. Also on the Upper East Side, Kent Swig and Elizabeth Swig, daughter of billionaire developer Harry Macklowe, finalized their split on Thursday, in a deal that gives Elizabeth control of the former couple’s $22.5 million duplex at 740 Park Avenue.

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