Bebe’s day out: Westfield alleges retailer refuses to take WTC space

Landlord is suing for $2.5 million

World Trade Center Mall and Bebe
From left: Rendering of World Trade Center Mall and Bebe

Bebe’s been bad, a new lawsuit filed by its landlord at the World Trade Center mall alleges.

Westfield Corp., the Australian real estate giant that controls the massive retail space at the World Trade Center, is suing Bebe, claiming the clothier breached its obligation to the landlord by failing to take possession of the space.

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Bebe claims the store was neither delivered on time nor in a “ready condition” for it to occupy, according to the complaint, filed in New York State Supreme Court Monday. Now, Westfield [TRData] wants Bebe to cough up the entire rent for the nine-year lease, or over $2.5 million, and is seeking to terminate the lease.

The landlord claims Bebe waived its right to give up the space or make any claims against the landlord because of known delays. Over the last several months, Westfield also sued fashion brand True Religion, shoe store Dune London and  coffee chain FIKA, alleging similar breaches of contract.

Attorneys for Bebe could not immediately be reached.