These neighborhoods are Manhattan’s construction meccas

Interactive map shows amount of construction approved in each zip code since 2006

Zip codes belonging to the Hudson Yards and Midtown West neighborhoods have witnessed the most construction activity and approved permits since 2006. The 10001 zip code, which stretches from the Hudson River all the way to Fifth Avenue, alone has more than 18 million feet in approved construction.

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Many of the projects there are part of the Hudson Yards redevelopment project, which will include more than 17 million square feet of commercial, residential and retail space when all its buildings are complete. Other construction-dense zip codes are found in the Lower East Side (10002), East Harlem (10035) and at the World Trade Center (10007), according to initially approved construction applications.

One of the areas most shielded from building construction is zip code 10004 on the southernmost tip of Manhattan, much of which is covered by Battery Park (though the waterfront grounds and Pier A have seen quite a lot of reworking over the last couple of years, as tourist and residents alike can attest). But just north of Battery Park, of course, is the World Trade Center site in zip code 10007, which will be a non-stop host to cranes and scaffolding for years to come. The World Trade Center buildings, developed in cooperation with the Port Authority, did not require new building permits from the city’s Department of Buildings to begin construction, so TRD added the square footage for 1, 2, 3 and 4 World Trade Center so they would be reflected in this map.

Yoryi DeLaRosa contributed research to this report

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