
Gracie Mansion’s got a bum elevator

The mayor's Yorkville residence is not up to code

Gracie Mansion and Bill de Blasio (Credit: Getty Images)
Gracie Mansion and Bill de Blasio (Credit: Getty Images)

Going up—clank!

Mayor Bill de Blasio’s elevator could use a little TLC, according to building violations on file for Gracie Mansion.

The late 18th century estate that’s served as a home or meeting place for New York City’s mayors since the 1940s is racking up infractions from the Department of Buildings, accruing six in just the last five months, the New York Post reported.

Four of the violations are elevator defects first identified in 2014 or 2015, but which were never corrected. The other violations stem from a failure to file inspection reports for the home’s 218-year-old boiler.

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It’s not as if Mayor de Blasio is actually responsible for any of this. Gracie Mansion is run by the city Parks Department, whose spokeswoman Megan Labor told the Post that the elevator problems were “non-hazardous” and that the boiler inspections were just a “paperwork lapse.” The department expects to have the elevator fixed next week.

This is nothing new for Gracie Mansion. DOB doled out 14 violations for the house when Michael Bloomberg was mayor (although Bloomberg never lived there). Mayor De Blasio has lived at Gracie Mansion since 2014.

On Tuesday, a judge knocked down a challenge to the mayor-endorsed rent freeze brought by landlord group the Rent Stabilization Association.

In another ironic twist, the Department of Buildings itself has had trouble maintaining its own headquarters at 280 BroadwayNYP] —Will Parker

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