TRData has actual owner for nearly 900K rental units in NYC

TRData, The Real Deal‘s New York City real estate research site, added more than 800 new companies that own tens of thousands of properties in NYC to our database. This brings the total number of companies in the database to 3,576, each page containing invaluable information like properties owned, completed sales and leasing transactions, people at the firm, and contact information. Additionally, each of these company pages compile all articles from the site in which the company is mentioned, allowing you to dive in and learn more about NYC property owners than any other place online.

To view these companies and the properties they own, you have a few options. If you’re wondering about a specific company, you can search their name using the main search bar or the advanced search.

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If you’d like to view a ranking of property owners in NYC, you’ll use the advanced search.

Using the companies tab of the advanced search, you can check the “Owner” box and click “Filter” at the bottom. This displays a list of companies that own property in our database. It also lists the number of their employees that we have in the database, the number of properties they own that we have pages for, the number of deals from that company we have information for, the value of those transactions and their total square footage. Clicking on the arrows next to each of these headings allows you to sort the list based on the field that you’re interested in.

Another option is to use the properties tab of the advanced search. Simply check the box for the type of property you’re interested in seeing the owners of and click the “Filter” button at the bottom. This list contains thousands of properties and may be difficult to parse through. To narrow this down, click the drop down in the top right of the page and choose “Owner.” Click “Ranking” and a new window will open, ranking the companies that own these properties by the number of properties they own, the total square feet of those properties and the total number of units the properties contain.

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