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543 West 122nd Street and 15 Jay Street
543 West 122nd Street and 15 Jay Street

TRData, The Real Deal’s comprehensive real estate data services division, has been tracking the progress of every project filed with the Department of Buildings and the Attorney General’s office since 2009. Until recently, the data we’ve analyzed has only been for the reporters writing stories at The Real Deal. Now some of that data can be sent to your inbox on a weekly basis for free.

Sign up at the link below to receive a variety of free reports. We’ve already launched an email blast that includes the largest retail and office leases submitted to us each week, including the tenant, landlord and agents that handled the transaction. Later this month we’ll launch our Department of Buildings and Attorney General’s email blasts, which will include every new project filed throughout the five boroughs.

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In the future, we’ll launch similar weekly alerts for projects that receive permits from the Department of Buildings or projects that are accepted by the Attorney General’s office. We’ve also analyzed the Department of State’s Licensing Services data to determine when a licensed agent moves from one firm to another and this information will be available soon as well.

Click here to sign up for TRData’s free weekly e-blasts. Scroll down to “TRData Updates” and check the items you’d like to receive.

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