
America’s got three new neighborhoods in the works: which would you bet on?

The options: a pedestrian city in Nebraska, a contained complex in LA or being Google's new neighbor

(Credit left to right: ErgoSum88/Wikimedia Commons; Pixabay; Thomas Wolf; Noah Loverbear)
(Credit left to right: ErgoSum88/Wikimedia Commons; Pixabay; Thomas Wolf; Noah Loverbear)

Nebraska or California? The choice may not be so simple after you hear what developers are planning.

Three new large-scale mixed-use developments were announced last week — two in California, one in Nebraska — adding thousands of units of housing to three different cities. These new neighborhoods designed for easy living will cost millions, if not billions, and the big question is, all things considered, will people buy into the vision.

Which of these developments would you bet on?

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1. Angels Landing
Los Angeles
The two-acre property, developed by Angels Landing Partners (a partnership between MacFarlane Partners, the Peebles Corporation and Claridge Properties), will consist of two inter-connected towers of contrasting heights — 88 and 24 stories respectively — with condos and commercial space reserved for restaurants, retail tenants and hoteliers. The mixed-use complex will be designed by Handel Architects, with Olin designing a 13,700-square-foot Public Plaza and 25,400-square-foot terrace. The complex is expected to cost about $1.2 billion and be ready to move into in 2024.

2. West Farm
Omaha, Nebraska
This 500-acre project is expected to have a population of about 15,000 once its completed — whether they’re visitors meandering through the neighborhood’s plentiful pedestrian walkways, which are projected to cover about 20 percent of the development; heading to work at one of the offices that accounts for about two million square feet of the new district; or living in one of the 2,100 new residential units. Developer Noodle (yes, that’s right) is issuing tax-exempt bonds to finance the billion-dollar project, thanks to the City of Omaha’s support by designating the area a special district.

3. Joaquin, Shorebird and Pear
Bay Area
Google has gotten the green light to launch a mixed-use development next to its Charleston East campus which will include nearly 10,000 units of housing with 20 percent earmarked as affordable housing and 70 percent being one-bedroom or studio apartments. The estimated 150-acre site includes high rise offices and residential towers. Plans to include public spaces on Google’s adjacent campus is raising speculation that there may be a link between the tech giant’s new offices and its fledgling new neighborhood next door, but no plans have been made public yet. The development, spanning new inexplicably-named neighborhoods, is expected to take about a decade to realize.

— Erin Hudson

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